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A popular myth is that laser hair removal is only for women! On the contrary – laser hair removal is also used by the stronger sex, and quite effectively so. Let’s be honest with you, dear men – aren’t you tired of constantly shaving your underarms, shaving your chest, shaving your abdomen, trimming the hair on your back, and needing to always beg someone to help you.

You are pragmatic in every way, so we give you 3 reasons to choose laser hair removal:

Thick and dark hairs are quickly and easily treated

Your hairs won’t be thick and prickly after a few treatments, they’ll be thinner and much reduced, which is great.

Laser hair removal saves time

The underarm area is treated 1 time per month, and the rest of the time you won’t bother shaving. Back, abdomen and chest areas are treated every 2 months – if you start in the fall, by summer there will be a visible difference and you won’t need to waste any extra time.

No soreness and wounds on the skin

You no longer have to struggle with ingrown hairs and skin irritations after shaving and trimming. The pimples and redness will be a thing of the past.

You have doubts about which part of the body to treat – LAVEDY laser studio specialists will help you choose.
Give us a call for a free consultation, no-commitment required.
The consultation is a one-on-one session when we will answer all of your questions, assess your skin and preferences, and suggest an optimal and fully customized plan of action.

Before you come for laser hair removal

to LAVEDY laser studio

Shave the treatment area

Shave the area 24 hours before the treatment. For best results, do not apply plucking methods of hair removal such as waxing, epilator or tweezers.

Don't expose the area to the sun

Do not expose the area to direct sunlight (including a tanning bed) for at least a week before and after laser hair removal treatment. For optimal results, it is recommended to protect the skin from the sun for 3 weeks before the treatment. LAVEDY laser studio doctors advise you to always use sunscreen.

Be cautious of medicines

Laser hair removal should not be performed after taking antibiotics and photosensitive medication. The doctors at LAVEDY laser studio will always ask if you are on any medication and will advise you according to your particular condition.

Be conscious of cosmetics

Clean your skin of makeup, lotions or oils with or without glitter. Do not apply perfumes, dry deodorants or other cosmetics to the skin in the tratment area. If you have not had the chance to do it, your doctor will offer to clean the area on site.

What to expect

Selected areas

Laser hair removal






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